About Our School
About Our School
Our main aim for every pupil is to provide a happy, stimulating and safe learning environment, where every child is appreciated and confident so that they can achieve their personal best. We believe children learn best when they are happy and Lower Farm is a very nurturing and inclusive school. The school has a range of pastoral support in place and recently opened an onsite Nurture House to further enrich the provision for pupils. Our well established Nurture provision was shortlisted for the Timpson Award in 2019. In 2022 our school opened a specially resourced cabin for children with Special Educational Needs, meaning we are able to effectively meet the needs of a wider range of children.
Lower Farm Primary School is a two form entry primary school for children aged 2 to 11. We offer funded places for 15 hours per week for eligible 2 year olds and for 15 hours and 30 hours per week for eligible 3 year olds. At present we have over 480 pupils on roll.
At Lower Farm Primary your child will receive teaching in English, Maths and all subjects of the National Curriculum. Your child will have access to the latest educational technology, in a modern and well maintained environment. Wider opportunities music is taught throughout the school and parents and friends are regularly invited in to concerts to showcase their learning. The school has a large Performing Arts Hall which is used for many school and community events. For example, our annual whole school productions which involve all of our children. Pupils across the whole school also benefit from and enjoy learning French.
The behaviour of our children is extremely good. Our Restorative Approach to Behaviour Policy is underpinned by our School Values; Tolerance, Happiness, Reflection, Friendship, Honesty, Co-operation, and our overarching value – Respect. Pupils are encouraged to take responsibility for the leadership of their school through involvement in our School Council and Eco Council. Pupils have been instrumental in many of the exciting new initiatives at our school. Older pupils take on responsibilities as Prefects and Sports Leaders - supporting younger pupils and role modelling our school values. Digital Leaders also encourage online safety by educating their younger peers through lessons and assemblies.
The school has a range of extracurricular activities, validated by the Children’s University, and a Before and After School Club, offering child care provision from 7:30am until 6pm, with regular holiday play schemes. Wraparound is also offered for our 2 and 3 year old pupils from 8:45-3:20pm with lunchtime options.
To accomplish the best results for your child, I firmly believe home and school must work in partnership. Parents are always welcome in our school at a mutually convenient time, to discuss issues relevant to your child’s progress and well-being. We hold regular parents’ evenings and parents have access to our Dojo app to encourage dialogue between home and school and to share information. Parents are invited into school to see their children receive special awards achieved in or out of school. Parents also have the opportunity to watch children take part in class assemblies. Our Nurture & Wellbeing Leader & Pastoral Mentor are also available to discuss matters with parents and provide further support.
I hope you find our website and prospectus useful. Our aim is that it will provide parents and the wider community with information about our wonderful school and that it will instil a sense of pride in pupils as they reflect on our school. I look forward to welcoming new families to our continually improving school community.
S J K Rawlins