At Lower Farm we see writing as a process. We plan opportunities to write a range of genres and the week/weeks leads up to a ‘final piece’. We aim to produce a piece of writing every week or two depending on the length of the piece. At the start of the year, scaffold and support is in place to help children write but as the year progresses, independence grows and children are able to write at length independently.
Children work hard on their presentation and all staff have a high expectation of handwriting. Children from Year 3 work to achieve a handwriting pen. This is given to children who are joining letters and writing legibly even when writing with speed. It is a real achievement to be awarded your handwriting pen.
Writer of the Week
Mrs Laugharne chooses a writer of the week from across the whole school, every week and presents them with a certificate in our celebration assembly. The children are nominated by their teachers if they have made a particular effort in their writing or they have produced something extraordinary. This work is also put on display for the week so all children can see it as they wall through the corridors.
Writing assessments.
Through the years, we have had some amazing stimulus for writing during our assessment week. Something ‘strange’ happens during the week and children go to visit the ‘scene’ and write about it! Here are a few different stimulus we have had.
A UFO crashed into our forest area!
Dragon eggs were found on our field!
A mystery door appeared in our woods!
Examples of Work
Please click on the buttons below to read some of our writing. We hope you love it!