

The National Curriculum

The Government released a New National Curriculum which was put in place from September 2014.

We aim to teach children how to grow into positive, responsible people, who can work and co-operate with others with this developing their understanding of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

We use the national curriculum to provide pupils with an introduction to the essential knowledge that they need to be educated citizens. The curriculum gives every opportunity to develop their confidence, knowledge, self-esteem and life skills through technology, languages, spiritual, moral, social and cultural learning, physical education and the creative and performing arts.

Our subject leaders have used the New National Curriculum requirements to make a long term plan for teachers to follow which ensures all knowledge, skills, expectations and experiences are planned for and have an impact in the classroom.

What do we learn in each subject?

Please click the button below to learn more about what we learn in each year group

If you would like any further information regarding our school curriculum please contact the school office using the details below.