Our main aim for every pupil is to provide a happy, stimulating and safe learning environment so that they can achieve their personal best. We are committed to fostering an environment where every child, regardless of background, ability, or identity, feels welcomed, valued, and empowered to thrive. Through our inclusive practices, we endeavor to ensure that every child receives the support they need to reach their full potential, both academically and socially, and to develop into compassionate, confident, and engaged citizens of the world.

We are dedicated to providing personalised support for every child, including those with Special Educational Needs (SEN). We believe in an individualised approach that recognises and accommodates the unique requirements of each student. Here are some of the ways we support children with SEN:

Overall, our goal is to create an inclusive and nurturing learning environment where every child, including those with SEN, can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. For further information see the SEN Policy and information report.

Specially resourced Provision

In 2022 we opened a specially resourced cabin to support Reception and Year 1 children who need extra support to access whole class learning. We worked closely with North Star Inclusion Advisory Team to develop a curriculum to meet the needs of children with moderate communication and interaction and cognition and learning needs. The focus of the curriculum is Communication and Interaction and Phonics and staff plan using adapted Essential Letters and Sounds scheme alongside Speech and Language programs from Walsall NHS Speech Therapists and Chatterboxes. Maths is delivered using NCETM principles with a focus on Number. Communication and interaction is supported through Visual Timelines, choice boards, Makaton, Now and Next Boards, PECS and ALD boards. Staff are trained in Attention Autism and deliver sessions to increase attention and listening skills. Children also take part in life skills sessions preparing them for the future.

We are flexible in our approach and adapt our provision to needs in the reception/Year 1 cohorts

At Lower Farm School, meetings with our Special Educational Needs Coordinator, Mrs Lindsay Swain, can be booked through contacting the school on 01922 710479. Our SEN Governor is Leah Holford. 

Local Offer

The Local Offer was first introduced in the Green Paper (March 2011) as “a local offer of all services available to support disabled children and children with SEN and their families. This information will set out what is available in schools to help children with lower level SEN as well as the options available to support families who need additional help to care for their child”.

SEN Information Report

Lower Farm Primary School is proud to be an inclusive school. In the SEN Information Report you can read about our provision and how we support those children who have Special Educational Needs or Disabilities, and their families.

Useful Links
